Clifford White - The Gods of Olympus (2009)

Album : The Gods of Olympus
Artists:  Clifford White
Tags:   New age 
Genre:  New Age,Chillout,Electronica
Label:  MG Music
Release Date: 04.17.2009
Format: MP3 / 320kb
Track list:
01. Gods Of Olympus - The Gods of Mt. Olympus [05:00]
02. Aphrodite - Goddess of Love and Beauty [07:18]
03. Apollo - God of Light and the Sun [05:35]
04. Ares - God of War [05:35]
05. Artemis - Goddess of the Hunt [04:10]
06. Athena - Goddess of Heroic Endeavour [04:29]
07. Demeter - Goddess of the Earth and Fertility [05:05]
08. Dionysus - God of Wine and Merriment [03:45]
09. Hephaestus - Blacksmith of the Gods [05:35]
10. Hera - Goddess of Women and Marriage [04:09]
11. Hermes - God of Flight [05:55]
12. Hestia - Goddess of the Hearth and Home [06:07]
13. Poseidon - God of the Sea [05:47]
14. Zeus - King of the Gods [04:03] 